10/30/2024anemptytextllinePhysiogenex now delivers its novel rat model of IgA nephropathy (IgAN) to rapidly evaluate...
03/03/2024anemptytextllineiLEADS BMS presents the effects of its novel FXR agonist in Physiogenex's ALD/MetALD hamster...
01/30/2024anemptytextllineHepaRegenix publishes data on first in class MKK4 inhibitors demonstrating benefits in Physiogenex CCl4...
12/04/2023anemptytextllineiLeads BMS publishes a new manuscript about its novel FXR agonist in Physiogenex's obese...
11/23/2023anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting its innovative obese MetALD hamster model at the 7th Obesity...
11/06/2023anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting a novel obese NASH hamster model of MetALD (Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated...
11/06/2023anemptytextllinePhysiogenex is a proud sponsor of the Hanson Wade 7th IPF Summit to be...
08/29/2023anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting a new NASH hamster study at the 10th Aging Research...
06/17/2023anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting a new DIABETIC NASH HFpEF hamster study at the 83rd...
05/30/2023anemptytextllinePhysiogenex is a proud sponsor of the Hanson Wade 1st Type 2 diabetes &...
05/11/2023anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be attending Biomed Israël 2023 annual meeting in Tel Aviv, May 16...
05/11/2023anemptytextllinePhysiogenex, a leading preclinical contract research organization specialized in metabolic diseases and complications, and...
04/19/2023anemptytextllinePhysiogenex and its subsidiary company Cardiomedex will be presenting a new diabetic NASH HFpEF...
03/28/2023anemptytextllinePhysiogenex, its subsidiary company Cardiomedex, and its partner CLEA Japan Inc., will be presenting...
03/15/2023anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting its innovative obese NASH hamster model at the NAFLD/NASH Keystone...
03/06/2023anemptytextllinePhysiogenex is a proud sponsor of the Hanson Wade 5th CKD Summit to be...
02/27/2023anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting its innovative obese NASH hamster model at the Global NASH...
01/18/2023anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting its innovative obese NASH hamster model at the 2nd HFpEF...
12/27/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex is delighted to be awarded ISO 9001:2015, a globally recognized certification of quality...
11/29/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting its innovative obese NASH hamster model at the 20th World...
11/22/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting its innovative obese MetALD hamster model at the 7th Obesity...
11/08/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting its innovative obese NASH hamster model at the AFDD (AntiFibrotic...
10/28/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting 2 novel studies in its innovative obese NASH hamster model...
10/14/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting the effects of clinical benchmarks in its innovative obese NASH...
09/27/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting the cardiometabolic benefits of the GLP-1 receptor agonist semaglutide in...
09/15/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be exhibiting at booth#D04 and presenting 2 oral abstracts at the EASD...
08/30/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting a new DIO mouse study at the 9th Aging Research...
08/25/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex and its subsidiary company Cardiomedex will be presenting their original preclinical models during...
06/21/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be exhibiting at booth#51 and presenting a new DIO-NASH mouse study (abstract#258)...
06/10/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting the effects of clinical benchmarks in its innovative obese NASH...
06/02/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting a new DIO-NASH mouse study at the 82nd Scientific Sessions...
05/23/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting the cardiometabolic benefits of clinical benchmarks in its innovative obese...
05/13/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting its two obese/type 2 diabetic rat models of nephropathy at...
05/03/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting the effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection on dyslipidemia and NASH in...
04/19/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting the cardiometabolic benefits of the GLP-1 receptor agonist semaglutide in...
04/04/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting a poster at the Keystone Symposia - Lessons from the...
03/29/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting an e-Poster at the 31st conference of the Asian Pacific...
03/17/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex invites you to attend its new webinar presented by our expert Dr. François Briand...
01/19/2022anemptytextllineFrançois Briand, Director of Research and Business Development at Physiogenex, will be giving a...
01/01/2022anemptytextllinePhysiogenex will be presenting the cardiometabolic benefits of the GLP-1 receptor agonist semaglutide in...
11/24/2021anemptytextllinePhysiogenex, a preclinical Contract Research Organization providing CRO services for developing drugs targeting obesity/type...
09/07/2021anemptytextllinePhysiogenex, a preclinical Contract Research Organization providing CRO services for developing drugs targeting obesity/type...
08/26/2021anemptytextllinePhysiogenex, a preclinical Contract Research Organization providing CRO services for developing drugs targeting obesity/type...
06/03/2021anemptytextllinePhysiogenex, a preclinical Contract Research Organization providing CRO services for developing drugs targeting obesity/type...